So I came across these pumpkins one morning while browsing The Inspired Room blog.
I thought they were super cute, but didn't really think of them again until I was talking to a couple of moms about a play date. One mom mentioned wanting to decorate pumpkins with her kiddo, and I thought what a great, fun little project! The kids can hunt for leaves (which they do anyway), paint on some Mod Podge (which I know they're capable of doing because I get all kinds of crafts back from school), stick a leaf on (or more if they're in a patient mood), hit it until it's on there well enough (which what toddler doesn't like hitting something!), add some more Mod Podge, and it'd be good to go. Simple, easy, the kids will enjoy it, and they're pretty. I figured it'd be something easy enough to keep the kids' attention, and might even turn out presentable enough to put out in the house.
These decoupage pumpkins are not only in a magazine, but there are plenty more floating around the pinterest universe. How could this not go well?
See.... they're everywhere. Don't I have the best ideas?
The answer: not so much. Here's how it turned out:
Pinterest {miserable!} fail. Maybe I should have actually read the Country Living blog post, instead of just admired the pretty pictures. Then I might have learned that they used pressed leaves. {oops}
Luckily the other moms came doubting the success of the leaves and came with back up plans: stickers, paint, tissue paper (which worked really well!), washi tape, and eye patches--which was the most obvious answer, every pumpkin needs an eye patch.
The final result:
Needless to say, it won't be going on the mantle anytime soon. This one is special and just for H's room!
For any of you looking to do some pumpkin decorating with your kids, try Mod Podge with tissue paper. It really is pretty (and the pinterest pictures prove it)!
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